🌈Welcome to our glorious collab with the amazing Robyn🌈
We wanted to express something a bit beyond the bounds of a normal photoshoot, something that doesn't just highlight product and person. So we thought really hard about what connects us (the 810 bakes) with the LGBTQIA+ community 🤝 and our answer is simple: PRIDE
As we are quite unrelenting in our pastry journey, more often than not we have a clear vision for every single bakery item that we produce and although we reasonably adapt and take advice into consideration the core of the product stays AS IS!
We do not modify, shape or warp ourselves to fit anyone's agenda and we stand with anyone that takes pride in being unapologetically themselves 💋 So in conclusion, please enjoy and feast your eyes on the labour of love made by a bunch of proud humans.
P.S. Keep in mind this popular lay definition of freedom:
“your right to swing your arms ends just where the other person’s nose begins.” - U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.