The reason why
Some express themselves by painting - a visual expression, some by music and some by writing. What I want to do is to create something that anyone could enjoy.
You could be blind and you could still be able to smell it, taste it and hear it. You could be deaf and you can still taste it, see it and smell it. Any impairment you might have would still allow you to experience it. You don't have to talk or understand the language to appreciate it. It is primal, it is self-explanatory. It is an art that you can pick up, look at, smell and touch and above all, taste.
It lasts for a moment and it is gone (Ichi-go Ichi-e). It could take hours, days or weeks to make and it is gone in an instant - a metaphor for human life really. It will be finished quickly, but it will create a memory that will hopefully remain with you forever. For the right people, it will bring them back into the past by tasting it in the present and it will create a memory that they will take into the future. It is new, it is old and it is delicious. It's a treat and it will make you smile. This is my art, the patience of making soul reminders.